
The importance of smaller onchain communities

Base has a big community, but that community is made up of smaller communities. This mint represents the importance of the smaller groups that hangout onchain, and the impact they can have for the chain as a whole.

10 days. 104 artworks. One collection. One community. Showing the influence of small communities in building up the whole chain, and how project leads can kindle passion in their following by making them feel part of Base's pulse.

Artworks by the Mochi Community can be collected using 1 $MOCHI token and the artist receives the $MOCHI straight to their wallet! We hope that this initiative will lead our community to explore onchain art further and create more on Base themselves. We also hope it influences other onchain communities to come together and create their own mint that represents them!

The Mochi family is on Base, and here to stay.

This mint won the Prop House OnchainSummer round! Check out the result here!